Τμήμα Εκπαιδευτικής & Κοινωνικής ΠολιτικήςUniversity of Macedonia - Department of Educational & Social PolicyΠανεπιστήμιο ΜακεδονίαςΤμήμα Εκπαιδευτικής & Κοινωνικής ΠολιτικήςΕγνατία 156Τ.Θ. 1591540 06 ΘεσσαλονίκηGreece
Work environment
The University of Macedonia is located in Thessaloniki, 156 Egnatia Street. It is housed in a group of buildings with a total area of approximately 40.000 square meters, consisting of amphitheaters, teaching and seminar rooms, offices and the areas of the administration sections, a restaurant, which operates during the whole academic year, a gymnasium and a book-store; also a child-care station will soon be operating. The University has recently added a main auditorium that will become one of the most contemporary Conference Centers with International standards and will also host important cultural events of the city.
The Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University was established in an effort to serve certain areas of science that have become of special interest to the international community, in particular, in the field of adult education and lifelong learning including literacy.
University of Macedonia
Aims, missions and goals
Based on the vision and mission, the University of Macedonia aims to:
1. To equip students with undergraduate and graduate programs leading to degrees of excellence required for national or international careers in public and private sectors. Upgrading curricula, create new undergraduate and graduate programs in high technology sectors, covering the needs of the economy and society, and enhance the skills of human resources.
2. To promote excellent teaching by providing a balanced combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications through the use of multimedia case studies, specialized software packages and other modern techniques.
3. Aware that the members of teaching and research staff are key ingredients of success, the University will strive to further enhance their professional activities in research programs, participation in international conferences and publishing work in high-level scientific journals .
4. To increase its presence and visibility in both the academic community and the area of Thessaloniki and Macedonia.
5. To maximize the benefit of its location using the opportunities offered through our country’s relations with Southeast Europe.
6. To work closely with educational and research institutions of the country and with foreign universities.
7. To anticipate market changes and society at large and to work closely with business, professional organizations and research centers.
8. To develop initiatives through advisory services and studies, particularly in the area of Thessaloniki, Macedonia and the Balkans.
9.To promote lifelong learning.
Structure of the organisation
University Governing Bodies
The University of Macedonia is a State University under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. The decision making bodies are:
- (i) the Senate, which is a representative body consisting of the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and representatives of the faculty of all Departments. There are also representatives of the Students Union and of the administration staff,
- (ii) the Rector’s Council and
- (iii) the Rector.
Decisions on the academic affairs of each Department are taken by the respective Faculty assembly. There is also student participation in issues of their concern.
Governing Bodies of the Department
The governing bodies of the Department are the General Assembly, the Head of Department and the Deputy Head of Department.
The General Assembly of the Department is composed of the entire Teaching and Research Staff (T.R.S.) of the Department, student representation and representation of the assistants and post graduate fellows. The General Assembly is qualified to deal with matters such as the Curriculum, allocation of teaching duties and election of new staff.
The Head of Department ensures the proper operation of the department, acts as the representative of the Department and prepares the agenda of the General Assembly.
The Head is elected by the General Assembly of the Department every two years.
Examples of achievements
- 02/03/2011 Award for faculty at the University of Macedonia in the 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2010)
- 02/03/2011 Award for faculty at the University of Macedonia in the 5th World Congress on Information Technology(ICCGI 2010)
- 02/11/2010 Award for faculty at the University of Macedonia from the Global Academy of Business and Economic Research - 6th International Conference
- 18/10/2010 International Award for k.A.Chatzigeorgiou, Assistant Professor, University of Macedonia Efarm.Pliroforikis
- 6/10/2010 Best Work (Best Paper Award) for the University of Macedonia "7th International Conference"
- 16/09/2010 Best Work (Best Paper Award) for the University of Macedonia "IADIS International Conference on e-Commerce 2010"
- 27/01/2010 Best Work (Best Paper Award) for the University of Macedonia ICWMC 2009
- 2/12/2009 Hellenic Competition Innovative Software: Award for students of the University of Macedonia
- 28/11/2005 Awarding Innovative business projects students of Thessaloniki
UOMPress was established after a decision of the University of Macedonia Senate in June 2001. Actual work had started in 1998, under the EEC working project named "Bibliographical Support", when the initial team was formed and the necessary equipment was acquired, establishing thus the Publishing Mechanism of the University of Macedonia (PMUM).
During the three years of its existence, PMUM became popular within the University community offering solutions and responding to everyday communication needs. It produced digital educational material and alternative publications. PMUM deals with the design and production management of a large part of the University information literature; it takes care of the University periodical issue "Ta Nea tou Panepistimiou Makedonias", and the scientific review of the Association of South-Eastern Europe Economic Universities (ASECU). Its successful development into an essential service for the University led to the establishment of the official Publishing House of the University of Macedonia Economic and Social Sciences.
Today, UOMPress embracing all the PMUM activities, is housed at the ground floor of the University. It follows an open publishing policy, going after, not only university books and companions, but also titles of general interest (history, education, children literature etc). UOMPress intends to set high academic standards, organizing a demanding publishing program that will contribute to the development of an ambitious list (which already includes 20 book titles). The rich experience, gained during the previous years, and the value of its human resources, guarantee a successful future course for the UOMPress.