
European network for adult literacy and numeracy

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About us

All the versions of this article: [English] [Français]

Eur-Alpha is a European network of exchanges between literacy and numeracy practitioners, learners, trainers, researchers, policymakers… It was founded in 2009 and currently counts 16 partners coming from 12 different countries.

For Eur-Alpha’s members, it is fundamental that those wishing, nearby their home, to have access to quality literacy, that takes their needs into account and is based on their active participation, be allowed to do so.

By literacy we mean the acquisition of basic knowledge necessary to develop active citizen participation, by adults who have never received schooling or by adults who, despite several years of schooling, cannot read or write, and understand, in whatever language, a simple text related to their everyday life.

Eur-Alpha works with the trainers to develop and exchange educational practices facilitating learners self-determination, citizenship and participation.

  • Through a scientific Committee that collect, develop and disseminate practices meeting those goals of self-determination, voicing of opinion and participation of the learners;
  • Through workshops where the trainers meet each other and test pedagogical practices.

Eur-Alpha works with the learners to support their voicing of opinions and participation.

  • Through a scientific Committee where they think about their needs, their claims and write a Charter for literacy;
  • Through workshops where they meet, exchange experience and think about their role of citizens at the national and European levels.

Our organisation

To achieve the aims of the network we propose to divide the activities of the network into three working groups:

  • The Partners Consortium gathering all the partners of the network and organising its activities
  • The scientific Committee Learners Participation mainly made up of learners
  • The scientific Committee Trainers Training mainly made up of trainers

Our actions

To facilitate exchanges between literacy and numeracy practitioners we organise:

  • Training workshops gathering learners and trainers;
  • The collecting, analysis, selection and dissemination of best practices;
  • The publication and dissemination of results in Europe in the literacy and numeracy sector and to policymakers.

Download our leaflet in English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish or Turkish.

Our supports

Eur-Alpha is granted by the European Commission in the European programme Grundtvig Lifelong Learning, project № 50523-2009-LLP-BE-GRUNDTVIG-GNW.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Education and Culture DG