
European network for adult literacy and numeracy

Home page > Meetings > Workshops > Learners workshop, Barcelona, October 2011 > Report of the workshop in Barcelona

Report of the workshop in Barcelona

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Form 24th to 30th October 2011, a meeting of some of the learners representatives in literacy took place in Barcelona. Those learners came from different European countries like Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Scotland and Spain. These are the topics that they dealt with:

  • Exchange of good practices in literacy;
  • Work together to shape up the Manifesto;
  • Conferences;

The week was intense, with long working hours. The participants didn’t see that much of Barcelona but they visited an adult education center. At the end of the week, the learners participated in the third International Conference of Learners in Literacy organized by CONFAPEA (National Learners Association in Spain).

It was without question a satisfactory meeting to the participants who could feel that they took part in a network at the European level, they put their ideas in common and they started a path together: the Manifesto, that will be an instrument to unify the voice of the learners in literacy and to prove that everything is possible with the best of intentions.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Education and Culture DG