
European network for adult literacy and numeracy

Home page > Testimonials > Learners testimonials

Learners testimonials

All the versions of this article: [English] [Français]

For Eur-Alpha, the learners are experts in Literacy. They have a lot to say on the matter and should be heard. Thanks to a Belgian learner, Fabrice Ramsey, now cameraman, the learners had a chance to explain their life stories and their views on literacy.

Some testimonials are simply autobiographic, others show a real insight on the political aspects of literacy.

In front of the camera, the learners were asked the following questions:

  • What is the main element in your life story you would like to talk about?
  • What did the training to change your life?
  • What do you get out of the European experiment with Eur-Alpha?
  • How do you see the future for this European experiment?

The interviews were gathered in a DVD, available by simple request at


Michael Power (Ireland) – Tim-Thilo Fellmer (Germany)

English and German

Transcription (PDF).

Translation (English) (PDF).

Michael Power and Tim-Thilo Fellmer did a double interview. They are both involved in their association to represent the learners views.

Jos Niels (Netherlands)


Transcription and translation (English) (PDF).

Jos Niels, from the Netherlands, is an “literacy Ambassador” in his association.

Yves de Graef (Belgium)


Transcription (PDF).

Liz Hargreaves (Scotland, United Kingdom)


Transcription (PDF).

Roland Canivez (Belgium)


Transcription (PDF).

Allan Campbell (Scotland, United Kingdom)

English and Scottish Gaelic

Transcription (PDF).

Monique Outers (Belgium)


Transcription (French) (PDF).

Peter Rennie (Scotland, United Kingdom)


Transcription (English) (PDF).

Yves Huysmans (Belgium)


Transcription (French) (PDF).

Abada Amour (Guiana, France)


Transcription (French) (PDF).

Carol Macaulay (Scotland, United Kingdom)


Transcription (English) (PDF).

Chantal Godard (France)


Transcription (French) (PDF).

Adelaida Morte (Spain)


Transcription and translations (English, French) (PDF).

Bernadette Detret (France)


Transcription (French) (PDF).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Education and Culture DG