- A Network of Learners to raise awareness, claim and set (...)
- Learners forum
- Par-Chemins: Learners set up their association
- A thousand and one languages in Guiana
- Ambassadors for Literacy – Learners becoming experts
- NALA Student committee manning a stand at the National (...)
- NALA Learner Days 2011
- Learning plateform on line Writeon
- ABC: a website to interact, learn and get involved in (...)
- Kirkcaldy ABE learners student forum
- Congresses of literacy learners
- Dialogical literary gatherings
The Eur-Alpha Network is lucky to count, among its members, some of the most innovative organisations in Europe, when it comes to promoting the empowerment and active participation of learners.
From the use of new technology to the management of an association by students; here is a an range of inspiring practices .
A Network of Learners to raise awareness, claim and set up new projects
It is a network of communities of learners who are committed to the right fo literacy training. The learners wrote a leaflet (FR, EN, ES) to explain in their own words what it is all about . They also realized a nice trilingual slideshow.
Learners forum
Syndesmos Ekpedevsis Enilikon Kyprou (CAEA) – Cyprus
There is a long tradition is Cyprus, and the learners committees present a self management organization which is supporting significantly the Adult education Centres of the Ministry of education and Culture.
Par-Chemins: Learners set up their association
Par-Chemins is a link of the movement Chaîne des Savoirs which gathers associations of learners on the French territory. These associations, created and managed by learners want to convince more and more people to join training, to inform, testify and raise awareness. Par-Chemins is located in the Burgundy region. Here is a slideshow learners use to explain what Par-Chemins is. They also conducted an introduction video.
A thousand and one languages in Guiana
CFAES “Georges Rapon” – French Guiana
The DVD “1001 languages in Guyana” is a collection of video reports made by learners. It highlights the linguistic richness of Guyana where nearly 20 different languages are used. For learners, who often speak three different languages, this DVD is a recognition of their language skills. They took confidence, reflected on the language more openly and often were more committed totheir training in French.
Ambassadors for Literacy – Learners becoming experts
Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e.V. – Germany
This project started at a request from learners who wanted to improve their communication skills but also get their abilities as literacy experts recognized.
- Ambassadors for Literacy – Learners becoming experts
- Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e.V.
NALA Student committee manning a stand at the National ploughing championship
National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) – Ireland.
Members of the NALA student committee are present at the NALA stand for all three days of this important national event. Adults with literacy and numeracy difficulties speak more openly about their issues. when it’s students, not staff manning the stand and explaining their journey back into learning.
NALA Learner Days 2011
National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) – Ireland
This day is totally prepared and organized by learners. The learner’s day comes from the desire of the learners to meet. They say it’s good to know that there are people like them.
Learning plateform on line Writeon
National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) – Ireland
Online interactive learning resource designed to offer e-learning and accreditation options at levels 2, 3 and 4 on the National Framework of Qualifications for Ireland. Visit the website www.writeon.ie.
ABC: a website to interact, learn and get involved in the association
Stichting Belangenbehartiging Alfabetisering Nederland – Netherlands .
This website is specially designed for adults with low literacy skills thanks to the “text-to-speech” technology. A slideshow, done by learners, is available but you can also get a look on the website by yourself (www.a-b-c.nu)
- ABC: a website to interact, learn and get involved in the association
- Stichting Belangenbehartiging Alfabetisering Nederland
Kirkcaldy ABE learners student forum
Fife Council ABE, Local Government – Scotland, United Kingdom.
The learners Student Forum is a meeting space for learners. Learners meet in person but also virtually on their website. Here is the learners’ slideshow about the forum.
Congresses of literacy learners
Confederación de Federaciones y Asociaciones de participantes en Educación y Cultura Democrática de Personas Adultas (CONFAPEA) – Spain.
Congresses gather generally once a year learners from different associations and participants from cultural associations.
Dialogical literary gatherings
Federació d’Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (FACEPA) – Spain.
They are meetings based on the dialogical learning methodology of Paulo Freire, in Brazil in the 70s. To learn by a dialogue at parity. Everybody is heard as an equal.