A full member commits himself to:
Associació Catalana per a l’Educació, la Formació i la Recerca
Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı
The Mother Child Education Foundation (ACEV), founded in 1993, is a Turkish non-governmental organization which has vast research, program development, program implementation and advocacy experience in early childhood, parenting education and women literacy/empowerment. Through strategic partnerships, ACEV has been able to reach hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries with its scientifically-based training programs.
National Federation of AEFTI (Teaching and Learning Association for immigrants workers and their family)
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The National Federation of the Teaching and Training Associations for immigrants workers and their family (Federation AEFTI) is a network of non-profit associations who has for fundamental purpose to fight against illiteracy, and to promote the right for all to train and qualify themselves.
The National Federation of AEFTI gathers 9 AEFTI associations from Paris Metropolitan Region, Ardennes, Marne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Savoy, Sâone-et-Loire and Picardie.
Each association is independent and offers training session aimed at the linguistic, social and professional integration.
Associação Centro InterculturaCidade
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Cercle de Formation et d’Action en Économie Sociale « Georges Rapon »
Créé par Georges RAPON, le Cercle de Formation et d’Action en Economie Sociale s’est donné pour mission de promouvoir et de développer une approche humaniste de la formation et de l’intervention sociale.
Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung e.V.
The German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) is an independent extramural institution, serving as a central forum for the fields of research and practice. The institute enhances the development and application of academic knowledge, thus establishing a systematic correlation between research, politics and practice in continuing education
Federació d’Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes
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We are a non-profit organization that works in the field of education and culture to promote the overcoming of social inequalities, public participation in all its aspects and relationships of solidarity between individuals and collectives.
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Education Scotland (formerly Learning and Teaching Scotland, LTS) is the principal Curriculum body for Scotland supporting schools and Community Learning and Development. Education Scotlad is responsible for implementing Scottish Government community learning and development policy.
Lire et Écrire Communauté française asbl
Lire et Écrire, mouvement d’Éducation permanente, a pour objectif le développement de l’alphabétisation en Communauté française afin que tout adulte qui le souhaite puisse trouver un cours d’alphabétisation adapté à sa demande en un lieu qui lui soit géographiquement et socio-culturellement accessible.
Opérateur d’alphabétisation au niveau local, Lire et Ecrire est également force de proposition auprès des autorités publiques, centre d’étude et de recherche, agent de sensibilisation et organisme de formation pour les travailleurs de l’alpha.
Fédération suisse Lire et Écrire
University of Macedonia - Department of Educational & Social Policy
The University of Macedonia of Economic and Social Sciences, established by Government decree No 147 of April 10 1990. At the present time the University of Macedonia has ten Departments. Each of these Departments offers a bachelor degree (in Greek ptychion). In addition to the above the University of Macedonia established three interdepartmental postgraduate programs.
Queen’s University Belfast - School of Education
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As part of the UK Government strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills, a tutor education framework was developed at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) to provide professional development opportunities for new and existing literacy and numeracy teachers.
Designed specifically for adult learning tutors, the Essential Skills range of programmes offers the recognised requirements for teachers of literacy and numeracy in the post 16 sector. This includes further education colleges, training organisations, the community and voluntary sector and alternative education programmes.
Andragoški center Republike Slovenije
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The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (Andragoški center Republike Slovenije), SIAE, is the main national adult education institution, and has been active in research, development, education, guidance and promotion in Slovenia since 1991. (...)
Cyprus Adult Education Association
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The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is a non-profit, policy-driven, international research, training, information, documentation and publishing centre of UNESCO. UIL promotes lifelong learning policy and practice with a focus on adult learning and education, especially literacy and non-formal education and alternative learning opportunities for marginalized and disadvantaged groups.
Literacy Development Centre - Waterford Institute of Technology
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) is a university-level institution in the South-East of Ireland with over 10,000 students and 1000 staff. WIT offers tuition and research programmes in various areas from Higher Certificate to Degree to PhD.
Waterford Institute of Technology has the highest number of students within the Institute of Technology sector, outside of Dublin, participating at ordinary degree level and above. The Institute also offers unique post doctoral programmes in a number of specialist areas.