The proceedings of the European workshop the Research-action training – organised in Brussels by Lire et Écrire Communauté française, in April 2014 – is available in French and Spanish.
The proceedings of the European workshop the Research-action training – organised in Brussels by Lire et Écrire Communauté française, in April 2014 – is available in French and Spanish.
Lire et Ecrire Communauté française (Belgium) proposes a thematic workshop in Brussels, from 12 to 19 April 2014.
Registration before 15 January 2014.
In 2013-2014, the Grundtvig workshops will provide training to Adult Education staff working on literacy issues exclusively.
Application deadline: 21st February 2013.
Eur-Alpha is now over. Thanks to all the people who made this real!
As a reminder, Eur-Alpha was a European network of exchanges between literacy and numeracy practitioners, learners, trainers, researchers, policymakers… It lasted, as planned, from 2009 to 2012. More about Eur-Alpha.
But, overall, it was an opportunity to meet each other and live things together, as shown in this video, filmed during the closing meeting in Bonn.
Eur-Alpha final meeting, Bonn
See you soon, we hope so, for a new European partnership for literacy and numeracy!